Vibrant colour sapphire from In-jauk mine, Mogok, Myanmar


Vibrant colour sapphire from In-jauk mine, Mogok, Myanmar

Wednesday, March 25th, 2020

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Vibrant colour of pink, purple, orange pink sapphire and vivid pinkish red ruby were discovered at In-jauk mine, Mogok, ....

Heat treated red spinel

Wednesday, March 25th, 2020

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It is rarely cased to be found as heat treated spinel. Once we experienced to check the red spinel packet ....

Sapphire from Thurein Taung mine, Mogok, Myanmar

Wednesday, March 25th, 2020

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We got the chance to examined the over 80 carets sapphire from Thurein Taung mine, Mogok, Myanmar where is 22° ....

Natural inclusion look like heated inclusion

Thursday, July 4th, 2019

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The inclusions in natural pink sapphire from Mogok, looked like the whitish crystal was surrounded by liquid feather caused by ....